Sunday, September 25, 2011

Blog Assignment #2

Click Here to read FINDING YOUR HOWL

          I think the “howl” just means for animal’s wild nature. This article is about a red wolf who uses to be one of the captives’ offspring, Mumon. Captivity give all the offspring freedom to experiment if they still have there original ferity, but almost all the offspring seemed like prefer the life that be imprisoned except Mumon. Mumon wanted to be more like a wild animal. He was blank to kill a deer because he felt shame about that, but a raven gave him some useful guide.  Finally, Mumon got his howl back and get freedom to his pack.

"Man's dearest possession is life, and since it is given to him to live but once, he must so live as to feel no torturing regrets for years without purpose; so live so as not to be scarred with the shame of a trivial and cowardly past; so live that, dying, he can say: "All my life and all my strength were given to the finest cause in the world - The liberation of Mankind"


            When I only was a young boy, I watched a lot of Japanese Tokusatsu TV shows everyday. At that time, in my opinion, save world is too easy just like that kind of TV shows showed me until I read the book The Making of Steel. In this book I got the information that how hard to protect the country from enemies. It is a cruel war that make innumerable people who included army and innocent populace dead and innumerable city and civilization was broken. In this book I also saw a lot of great spirits and idol who lead people pass the hardest time even though this book is only a fiction instead the documentary. And I this quote from the author, Ostorovsky gave me a big shock of my life’s value.

            First of all, Ostorovsky used protagonist’s voice to tell us a truth that we always know that is the most important thing for each person is their own life because every one only have only, so it is an invaluable asset for every one. Therefore the first sentence give me a resonance that I agree his viewpoint. Then, he said people shouldn’t fool along frigaround loaf of their life. I also agree this viewpoint since I think if I waste my life, I will feel guilty and shame for myself. I think every one want their life enrich and with a lot of magnificent moments.

            Then, he said he wished when he looked back the past, he could say that he paid all his life in saving the world. Even though I was not 100% agree his opinion for this part since we can’t judge who is the completely justice side of the warfare, who save the world or who is will to destroy the world. However I am really appreciate of his light heart and his nerve. For his country in WWII, he did the correct things, and I think he definitely have right to say that sentence. Actually, my favorite part of that quote is “he must so live as to feel no torturing regrets for years without purpose; so live so as not to be scarred with the shame of a trivial and cowardly past”. For me, that is the central theme, and I have tried to do that way since I read that speak. I think I kind of made it, I chose game design as my major and go aboard to study, and it is not really popular to Chinese. Therefore, I see Ostorovsky as one of my idol because his sentence has changed me a lot in a positive way.

            In addition, Ostorovsky make this speech run through whole book that when I read some part of that I would consider about the sentence that I prefer. It always give me a feeling that the protagonist leads me in a positive mood. Even at now, more than ten years after I read The Making of Steel, I still remember that don’t waste my life since that is the most important thing for myself. I did and do and still will do that way because I know that have a lot benefits for me, and help me a lot. So, I post this quote at my blog since I want to share it with you.

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