Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #5

            Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2s preview is the video that I chose for blog assignment week3, and I m going to discuss it in three ways, 180 degree rule, rule of thirds, and 30 rule.

            First of all, the director crosses the 180 degree rule at the beginning part of Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 because the main character is moving while he is on screen, and director establish a new 180 line in front of main character. In the medial part of Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2s preview, the director also crosses the 180 degree rule since the camera dolly cross the 180 line during that shot. After that, the director crosses the 180 degree again because there a huge chimpanzee enters the sense; however, the director follows the 180 degree rule in most time and the director doesn’t use the illegal way to cross the 180 degree way.

            In addition, Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2s preview follows the rule thirds. For example, the main character and the dead monster constitute a perfect thirds rule’s sense at one minute and twenty-two second. In another instance, at 46 second, the main character’s cape’s hat, his lower jaw, the ceiling of hallway, and the spark constitute a 3 thirds rule’ sense.

            Moreover, Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2s preview’s director doesn’t really use any rule of 30. I think the reason is the sense doesn’t have any visual conversation, and the camera always focuses on the main character. Furthermore, in the fight part, the director chooses to dolly the camera instead to use the rules of 30.

            For the Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2s preview’s director himself/herself. I think he/she did a great job. He/she use the appropriate ways via the 180 degree rule and the rule thirds to show the tension environment and main character’s mixed emotion.

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