Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Assignment #9

            For FIT: FIND THE RIGHT SPOT, I agree the author’s idea. Not only the exciting Rudolph example, but his opinion has been proved for many times in actual world. First of all, even though the Rudolph’s example is a fairy tale, it still tells a truth, there must be a use for my talent. In my opinion, the fairy tales absolutely isn’t only the funny stories for children, they are the easy-understand version truth to give people correct senses when they are young. Therefore, the Rudolph’s story is a correct principle. People always feel helplessness in study, work, live. They fail the texts. They screw up their business. They feel their family is more like an arena, a prison. They probably complain they might be the worst one, the loser in the world. Just like the author’s talk, people who feel negative for themselves just didn’t find where they can use their talent. If they find where to use their talent, they might be successful in their field. At least, they probably can feel better than before. For instance, Bill Gates was not really good for university’s studies. If he has continued his negative condition, we probably can’t use computer with windows, I can not write down this paragraph with Microsoft Word, and we probably can not play the Halo and Gears of War because we can not own the X-Box 360. However, Bill Gates tried to find a way to use his super talent, and then he quitted his university live determinedly to build the most famous software company, Microsoft, and create the modern digital media industry. For me, I think I am really lucky because I believe painting is my correct spot and I am just doing everything about it.

            For FLAWLESS: THERE’S NOTING WRONG WITH YOU, I agree with the author’s idea. When we was children, seniorities usually tell us what types of personalities we should be, and at that time, we are not able to distinguish whether they were talking correct or wrong; therefore, we just followed the seniorities’ directions. We have been clean, organized, and other “good personalities”; however, in the meantime, we have lost a lot of “bad personalities”, containing creative ability. Can people imagine what a ridiculous that is? We just look like clean, but we are actually no different with walking dead. I would rather be a freak instead a zombie, and I am pretty sure no one wishing to be a zombie. I totally agree with the author on this issue since I had been told too much to be a person with “good personalities” Just four years before now, I almost forgot how to create a character when I paint. After I finished the art final test in China, I moved out of my home and try to do something I used to want to do. I watching movies and animations that I wasn’t allow doing before I took art final test every day, and I thought I find part of my creative ability back. Therefore, the limits always are not good for people’s progress. Just like the author’s thought, THERE’S NOTING WRONG WITH YO, we shouldn’t be confined to what kind of people we suppose to be. Nowadays, I am trying to shake my old mental yoke away, and I am pretty I will keep this way.

            For FORGET IT: DON'T’T TRY TO FIX YOUR WEAKNESSES, I agree with the author. It is difficult to avoid our weaknesses since all of our weaknesses are the parts of us. We can not fix it, and I think hiding them is only thing we can do about weaknesses. Also, even though we only try to hide weaknesses, it is still painful. People’s weaknesses are an important portion of human’s emotion area. If we want to take weaknesses away from ourselves, we must lose other elements of personalities because there is no any trait really being independent with others. For instance, the spies are usually trained to delete some personalities that hinder them doing the mission; therefore we can see most of them forget how to trust and love other people after they are trained to be more vigilant. Although we are not the spies and we do not take the serious training, we still endure the pain when we try to hide our weaknesses. For me, I am messy in my space. I put my comic books and video games on the floors, and sometime I can not find my cellphone, which just was under of one paper. Now, on my desk, I even can not find a piece of free space to put my laptop. Can you imagine how messy I am; however, I think the messy of my personality make me more creative and act on my painting job. At beginning of my paint, I always just draw some shape randomly, and during this process, I can find some good ideas commonly. Therefore, I don’t hide my weaknesses because they are useful for me.

            For me, I think I have not found all my strengths and weaknesses. Maybe I know some of them, but I just haven’t realized they are my strengths and weaknesses. Actually, I have found some of them currently. For some of my personalities, which were shared by both strengths and weaknesses. First of all, messy is the most obvious one. I got a lot of problems about it. When I studied in high school, I can not find my Chinese text book because both of my home and my back bag are chaos, so my Chinese teacher didn’t allow me into the classroom; however, I am also proud of my messy. After I decided to be a 2D artist, the messy help me a lot. Messy some times help me to dope out some good ideas. For instance, last quarter, I was thinking to draw a picture of Star Wars, and I was confused what character, environment, and situation I could draw. At that moment, I felt I was just live in a monster’s stomach because of my really messy room; however suddenly, I was think out a good idea because my room of monster’s stomach. I was thinking how about if Boba Fett has still alive in the sand monster’s stomach, what would happen? Then I sketch a concept picture and paint color for it on photoshop. Therefore, I believe messy cause me in troubles sometimes, but it also leads me being more creative. I don’t really see my weaknesses negative, and oppositely, I usually try to use their function in a correct way.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Assignment #8

Step 1
            First of all, Acknowledging of Lizard is a serious resistance that stops people that force you to come back to the instructions. When people want to make a positive adventure or do something creative, the Acknowledging of Lizard will jump out to tell people that what they are willing to risk is really dangerous. In addition, making art is my favorite level in the article since art makes me happier in my life. Making art is a creative activity that doesn’t follow any direction, and give people a huge freedom in their mental world. Moreover, the connection is a new type of digital way to communicate with other people who might really know in actual world. The connection that the author mentioned is not the hypocritical way in some public moments, such as speeches and charity events. It is a direct way that connect people’s mental worlds.
            Have you imagined how awful the older education system is? Before reading this article, I still think I should follow the direction that older education system give me, such as being good on mathematic, always do something that our teacher ask us to do, and not doing extra work. After I read this article, I realized that my brain really have been washed for a long time, my first entire 21 years life. However, I think the media 203 is a different type of class. It teach us being more creative, and give us freedom to do the concept in our brain; also, the blog assignments give us lot of freedom that we can choose the audios, videos, senses, pictures that we like for homework. For me, this quarter I learn a lot from Media 203 and this blog, and I think our class contains some elements of seven layers. I personally prefer making art, acknowledge the lizard, and connection more.
           First of all, I am a 2D concept artist, so I have more sentiment of making art. When I studied sketch in China, I had no choice to draw what I want to draw. The only thing I have to draw is human’s head portrait since it is the only project that Chinese painting text for college offers. In that time I really hate the painting because I really don’t like draw human’s head portrait everyday, but now I feel happy since in Ohio University and media 203, I have enough freedom to draw what I want, what ever monster, naked girls, or Darth Vader; and also, painting and making art also make me more creative to do other things, such as our blog assignments. In addition, acknowledge the lizard is a new concept to make me being more creative. Before taking media 203, when I want to do something I had never tried, I felt afraid to do it, and I think that is the mental resistance. For instance, I had never tried 2D animation before because I felt afraid to waste time to do a new thing that maybe I would screw up; however, when I took the media 203, I had to do a small animation project, and then, I think I did it well. I also told myself that is not that hard I imagined. The class encourages me a lot and helps me take a part of mental resistance. Moreover, the digital connection also helps me a lot. For example, Facebook gives me more opportunities to contact with more people, and e-mail provides me more chances to touch game companies.
            Those are three levels that help me most in Media 203 and blog assignments. I appreciate it and I think I will keep them and carry on in future.